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From SWEekly posted August 12, 2024
Welcome to FY25 
 We welcomed FY25 with a kick-off planning meeting.  Our team did a great job planning events for the first half of the year to provide members the opportunity to connect, learn, and support each other.  Looking forward to a fun year of social and professional development events.  We hope to meet you at a future planning meeting or event.
Next meeting is September 9th!
Register here:

SWE Spotlight
Welcome Brunch: New Members Receive a Free Gift. Register Today!

We can’t wait to welcome you to a new year! The SWE OC leadership team has been busy this summer planning out some of our favorite best practice events and a whole bunch more! Come spend your morning with us as we eat brunch and get to know our members while discussing this year’s upcoming events. Want to get involved but don’t have a lot of extra time? This event will be the perfect opportunity to figure out how just 15 min of your time can contribute to our chapter! This restaurant is counter order. We will be sitting outside. Tables are first come first served. Gifts will be given as available to new members only. See you there! Have questions? reach out to Mariel Cisneros –

Get Involved! 

The SWE-OC planning meeting is a time to plan upcoming events and connect as a group. Whether you’re an officer, committee chair, or brand new to SWE OC and want to get involved, join us!  
When: Monday, September 9, 2024, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Where: Santa Ana, CA (Address will be sent to Eventbrite registrants)
RSVPEventbrite or contact  to join

Community Outreach
Are you Free August 31st? Do you like to build things and get messy? 
Volunteer your time with the Girl Scouts at their annual Woodworking Workshop!
Participants must wear closed toed shoes and wear their hair up.
If interested in volunteering at least one hour of your time reach out to Sophia Leung

Volunteer Opportunities in Irvine!
f you are interested in volunteering, please complete the Google Form found HERE.  Please contact Bob Curley (STEM Director) at 949-936-5057.
Ask a Scientist/Engineering Night – This event supports IUSD 6th-12th grade students as they begin their Science Fair projects. During Ask a Scientist/Engineer Night, students sit down one-on-one to ask scientists, engineers, and STEM professionals questions and get advice about their ideas for their science fair project. Each consultation lasts 10-15 minutes. The majority of the students who attend the event are 6th graders. There is a volunteer orientation with light snacks from 5:30 to 6:00. Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – IUSD Learning Center 
·       Science Fair Project Mentoring pairs STEM Community volunteers with school sites and students participating in IUSD’s Science Fair.   Elementary Science Specialists and Secondary Science teachers will work together with Mentors to coordinate Zoom meetings with student groups.  While students are expected to do the majority of the research, project planning and execution, Mentors will serve as a sounding board, helping to guide students and answer questions that will inevitably arise from the process.  
o   September – December 2024 – Zoom

·       The 44th Annual IUSD Science Fair provides all IUSD 6th-12th grade students the opportunity to explore their STEM passions through participation in IUSD’s annual Science Fair.  Students who choose to participate will submit projects to a Google Site containing a digital presentation, three minute video, and brief abstract. Judges will review the student projects through the IUSD science website and interview participants in-person on the evening of Dec 11th. Student projects are judged for recognition within IUSD and for OCSEF eligibility.  
o   December 11 – 15, 2024 – 5 day period to judge projects virtually and in-person interviews on the evening of Dec 11, 2024.
 ·       The 21st Century Career Conference is for 7th Grade students. It is intended to increase student interest in and awareness of science, engineering, and technology-related careers. Each student attends four different sessions (20 minutes each) to hear STEM professionals discuss their science, engineering, and technology careers. You will be describing your career, and your preparation for this career, to groups of students.
o   Thursday, March 13, 2025 – UCI Beckman Center

Networking Opportunities
Are you planning on attending WE24 in Chicago?
Fill out our Dinner with SWE-OC interest form!

Speaking Opportunities
IME West Speaker Opportunity (Feb. 4-6, 2025, Anaheim, CA)
IME West is an international advanced manufacturing event  that serves as a meeting ground for companies in the medtech, automation, packaging, design & manufacturing, and plastics sectors.  There is a speaker opportunity for a woman to give a 45 minute technical presentation.  Some past topic examples are Information Modeling Foundations, FDA part 11 Validation, Managing Your Maintenance Program and Not You, Customer GPT’s, and Cybersecurity.   Please contact Carol Lin if you are interested in the speaker opportunity. 


Scholarship Opportunities
Broadcom Foundation is sponsoring a competition that all students with STEM projects can participate in. One is more focused on coding and the other accepts submissions by students in all STEM fields. Here are details to share with young people, their schools and out of school programs that may wish to participate:

CONGRESSIONAL APP CHALLENGE: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives host a district-wide Congressional App Challenges for middle and high school students to compete in the district they reside in or the district they attend school in. Students can use any programming language (example: C, C++, Javascript, Python, Ruby, ‘block code”, etc) and any platform (PC, web, tablet, robot, mobile, etc.) There are no limits on application, theme or topic! You must be in middle or high school at the time of app submission, students can participate in teams with a maximum of four students per team.
Winning teams are invited to Capitol Hill to demo their apps to their Representatives at a celebration called #HOUSEOFCODE.
Registration: STUDENT REGISTRATION – ( open now until October 24, 2024
Full rules and important dates can be found here: RULES – (
More details on #HOUSEOFCODE can be found here: #HOUSEOFCODE – (


Leadership Opportunities
FY25 Leadership Positions

⭐Interested in becoming a leader in the SWE-OC community?  We have a number of roles open for the FY25.  Please fill out our interest form or attend one of our planning meetings.  We are also looking for General Partners who would like to contribute an idea or help share SWE-OC events.  For questions, please contact and

Member Spotlight

We are saddened by the passing of Anita Gale.  Anita Gale was a founding member of SWE-OC and remained a SWE-OC member even after she moved to Houston.  She was a veteran aerospace engineer,  CEO of the National Space Society, and an active long time SWE member and a huge supporter of SWE-OC.  She will be missed by many as a friend, leader, colleague, and mentor.  She had an impact in so many ways on many people. (Photo from the National Space Society in the linked article)
FY2025 Officers
Sophia Leung

Internal Vice President: 
Madison Haagenson

External Vice President:

Natalie White

Mariel Cisneros